Broad spectrum, long-lasting residual
Always read and follow label directions.
Product Overview
Brake® is a wide-spectrum, long residual herbicide which provides excellent grass and broadleaf postemergence results for your furrow-irrigated rice weed control program, including herbicide resistant palmer amaranth.
- Excellent pigweed and hemp sesbania control
- Annual grass control including crabgrass, goosegrass, and barnyardgrass
- Great residual control in wet conditions
- A unique HRAC/WSSA Group 12 mode of action
- Crop rotation flexibility for your farming operation
Brake® Program Approach
Start weed free, stay weed free. Use multiple modes of action. Overlap residuals.
- Apply a preemergence residual herbicide at-planting
- Choose correct rate of Brake based on soil type
- Sands, loamy sands, and sandy loams – 12 fl. oz. Brake/acre
- All other soil types – 16 fl. Oz. Brake/acre
- Tank-mix Brake with a postemergence herbicide(s) effective at controlling emerged weeds. Tank-mixes evaluated to date include:
- Loyant
- Highcard
- Stam M4
- Sharpen
- Facet
- 2,4-D
- Apply Brake tank-mix to 3-leaf and older furrow-irrigated rice
Precaution: Rice has shown increased sensitivity to Brake when Brake is tank-mixed with ALS herbicides such as Gambit, Grasp, Regiment, and Permit/Permit Plus. Consult your local SePRO Ag representative to determine if information exists for the particular use (e.g. rice cultivar, crop age, tank-mixes, etc), especially if the environment contains sandy soils with pH’s > 7.5. If no information is available, limit initial commercial use of Brake to a small area under local conditions with the representative use (e.g. rice cultivar, crop age, tank-mixes, etc).
- Do not apply by air.
- Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.
- Do not tank mix with spray adjuvants or drift control agents containing polyacrylamide.
© 2025 SePRO Ag, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Always read and follow all label directions. Brake® is a registered trademark of SePRO Ag, LLC.