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Broad spectrum, long-lasting residual

Brake® is your foundation grass and broadleaf preemergence residual herbicide for cotton

Always read and follow label directions.
Product Overview

Brake® is a wide-spectrum, long residual herbicide which provides excellent grass and broadleaf preemergence results for your weed control program, including herbicide resistant palmer amaranth.

  • Wide-spectrum foundation grass and broadleaf preemergence weed control leaving fewer weeds to be controlled by your post applications
  • Excellent Pigweed (Palmer amaranth) control, you can count on
  • Long residual control
  • Works great in wet conditions, when you can’t get in the field
  • Safest preemergence available for your cotton
  • A unique chemistry for resistance management on your farm
  • Compatible with all herbicides you need to use in cotton
  • Crop rotation flexibility for your farming operation
Brake® FAQ's
Brake® Program Approach

Brake® provides grower flexibility. Take control using your own preferred pigweed herbicide program. Brake® Herbicide is applied at planting, with another residual such as Diuron®, Reflex®, Warrant® or Cotoran®. Follow with a postemergence overlapping residual within 18 days after planting. Brake® extends your pigweed control during the season. Scout fields and if necessary apply overlapping residuals with additional postemergence applications.

Brake® represents a unique mode-of-action (a Group 12 Herbicide), for use in cotton to strengthen resistance management and provide control of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth along with many other broadleaf weeds and grasses. Brake® has exceptional safety to cotton with extended residual weed control which allows farmers to get their cotton off to a great start and maximize yield potential. Brake® Herbicide provides exceptional preemergencence control and excels under wet conditions giving you assurance when it is too wet to get back in the fields.

Plan Your Program, Work Your Program!

Program for overall weed control and resistance management.

  • Start Weed Free, Stay Weed Free
  • Use multiple modes of action
  • Overlap residuals
  • Use the most effective burndown herbicide(s) and/or tillage to start clean
  • Use Brake® as your foundation preemergence at 16 fl. oz./acre paired with another residual preemergence for maximum spectrum and consistency of control, plus a burndown product such as Gramoxone® to ensure a clean start
  • Apply the most effective postemergence product(s) paired with residual within 18 days after planting to eliminate escapes and boost length of residual activity
  • Scout and apply the most effective postemergence product(s) paired with residual to eliminate escapes and boost length of residual activity (if needed)
  • Scout and apply with the most effective postemergence LAYBY product(s) to eliminate any escapes (if needed)
Brake Weeds Sheet2021-2022 Brake Trial Data Highlights

© 2025 SePRO Ag, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Always read and follow all label directions. Brake® is a registered trademark of SePRO Ag, LLC.