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Dual-strain performs well in all conditions and temperatures

Grapevine Trunk Disease


Ken Swegles, owner of Rhizos Viticulture, discusses how Bio-Tam® 2.0 helps control grapevine trunk diseases like ESCA.

Bio-Tam 2.0 For Other Crops

For grapevine trunk disease control

The same unique blend of two highly active Trichoderma strains makes Bio-Tam® a powerful biofungicide for management of grapevine trunk and pruning diseases like ESCA, in both convention and organic grapes.

By colonizing the pruning wounds, Trichoderma forms a shield that prevents pathogenic fungi from spreading within the plant.

  • Strains selected for high activity against fungi responsible for grapevine trunk diseases
  • Worker-friendly product featuring 4-hour REI and zero-day PHI
  • Delivers stable great performance in a wide range of environmental conditions, as low as 44.6 degrees F.
  • Excellent IPM partner

National Association of Farm Broadcasters News Service interview with Dr. Akif Eskalen, plant pathology, Cooperative Extension Specialist and lecturer in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of California, Davis

© 2025 SePRO Ag, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Always read and follow all label directions. Bio-Tam®2.0 is a registered trademark of Gowan Company.

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